Installation method of J1939 splitter Y cable
Determine installation location: First, locate the J1939 diagnostic port on the vehicle, usually located under the dashboard or near the center console in the driver's cabin.
Dismantling the original diagnostic port: If the original diagnostic port is fixed on the bracket, it is necessary to use a tool to unscrew the fixing screws or bolts and remove the original diagnostic port from the bracket.
Connect the splitter Y cable: Connect the input port of the splitter Y cable to the original diagnostic port of the vehicle, ensuring a secure connection.
Fixed splitter Y cable: Use screws or buckles to install the fixed part of the splitter Y cable on the bracket of the original diagnostic port to keep it stable.
Connect other devices: Connect the devices that need to be connected, such as diagnostic instruments, ELDs, etc., to the two output ports of the splitter Y cable through corresponding cables.
Contact: Kevin
Phone: 0086-18823374992
Add: Bld B2, Floor7 , Xinghe Zhongkai AI Industrial Park, Zhongkai High-tech Zone, Huizhou,China